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Statement of Faith


The following is a statement of basis and principles to which IRR/TV adheres. It is not intended to serve as a comprehensive doctrinal statement.

We believe that God has revealed Himself as a trinity in unity, in the persons of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, eternally existent.

We believe in the divine inspiration and entire trustworthiness of the Bible as originally given and in it supreme authority in all matters.

We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, sinless life, vicarious and atoning death, bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the Father and in His future personal return in power and glory.

We believe in the universal sinfulness and lost condition of all men and their need of redemption through regeneration by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ.

We believe that every individual must accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.

We believe in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in the work of regeneration in His present ministry by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.

We believe in the one Holy Universal Church which is the Body of Christ, and to which all true believers belong and in its mission to preach the gospel to all people.



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