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Ministries > Arabic Ministry

Arabic/Muslim Ministry Feedback



Dear Call For All team, I greet you in the name of Jesus, our Redeemer. We like very much of your web pages and issues that you offer there. Your serving in internet is excellent. I encourage you, God bless you. (male from Jordan)

I’m a 19-year-old teenager from Alger. I came to know Christ about three months ago. I admire your webpage a lot. I would like to get an audio CD of Arabic hymns. (male from Alger)

I want to thank you for the programs in your internet pages. My computer is on all the time and I listen to the programs through the web. When I leave off the whole family is listening. (male)

I’m Muslim and I want to know the truth. I like everything that you offer in your webpages, it has touched my heart. My family is fanatically Islamic and everything I hear about Christians is very bad. At the time I live in Arab Emirates. I begin to know the truth from your internet pages. It’s difficult around here to get to your web pages because the government tries to prevent it. Please help me! (male from Arab Emirates)

Thank you for your response. You wrote me: "You have to be ready to face all kinds of setbacks and to suffer because of Jesus Christ." This sentence has brought comfort to my heart. Thank you! (young male from Iran)


I was born in 1984. I became a fanatic Muslim. I tried to please God in all ways. I looked for the truth from Islam to find the purpose for my life. But I didn’t find it. I began to suspect the message that my religion declared and my religiousness started to crumble. I was disappointed. I became atheist. I started to do forbidden things to supply my needs. Anyway there was emptiness in my heart, my needs were not fulfilled. Eventually I begun to pray to God and I asked Him to tell me the answer to my question: "What is the truth?" I was serious and so God found me. This is how I found salvation and Christianity. Now two years have passed from the time I was born again. Right now I go through very difficult times in my life. I still walk ahead in faith. I ask you to pray for me. (Hassan from North Africa)

Your programs are excellent. They have touched me and changed my life during the last few years. I encouraged my friends to watch your programs. (Sabah from Iraq)

Your programs fill us with heavenly joy. We painfully need to see your programs 24 hours a day to extinguish spiritual thirst in heart. (Abdulkariim from Saudi Arabia)

Program "For Better Family" motivates me to live better with my family. The way married couples share the details of the difficult times in their relationship is encouraging. It draws my attention to the Lord’s possibilities to help people who are devoted to Him. Hopefully you can rebroadcast this program several times. (Nählä from Kuwait)

I dare to confess: I have discovered your programs best because they help me to live in the will of the God. God bless you. (male from North Africa)

The blessing has come to my life through your programs. Before I lived in the darkness but the Word of God has given understanding and love for God to me. It´s fantastic to watch your programs. (Mohammed from North Africa)

Thank you for sowing the seeds of love, peace and freedom to the Arabic world. I’m not coaxing you when I say that I´m very interested in your programs. They motivate viewer to check own thoughts about some big issues like who am I, what is the purpose of my life and where am I in eternity. The real reason why I watch your excellent programs is that I experience inner peace in my spirit when I watch them. (Abdullah from North Africa)

Though I’m not a christian I admire your programs. They are pure, informative and interesting. (Rachid from North Africa)

I want to tell you that many people accept the love of God in Jesus Christ by watching your programs. (Ali from Egypt)

I’m not a Christian. I had a wrong image of Christian faith for a long time. I had adopted it by watching the western lifestyle where children don’t honor their parents and they drink alcohol. However your programs testified that the Christian lifestyle is not really like that. (Fatima from North Africa)

I live in area that is completely isolated from other Christians and (biblical) teaching. I thank God that I discovered your programs that offer me what I was missing before. I trust in you so much that I don’t hesitate to share my personal problems, weaknesses and dreams with you to get divine leading. God bless. (Osama from Kuwait) I have seen your program in the house of my friend. After it I felt deep peace in my heart. Thanks. (Jasmin from Iran)

I have watched your programs for some time and I want to thank you a lot for putting yourself out and dedicating to broadcast these wonderful programs on satellite channels. The message of programs opens our eyes to see how the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for our all sins. I and my wife really need the Bible in Arabic. Thank you in advance and may God bless you all. (Zaki from Egypt)

I’m Omer, 19, from Alger. I came to know Christ about three months ago. I would like to have the Word of God. Thanks. (male from Alger)

I lived a lonely and lousy life. I felt only pain, suffering and bitterness. Not until I familiarized myself with your programs I understood that in the world there are people who know God and love him. From that moment I have faithfully watched your programs. I feel how my inner world is changing and transforming day by day. I feel clearly how God has become closer to me. Could you please send me Christian literature that would help me to grow in my faith. (Amal from North Africa)


- You say that Jesus is the Son of the God. Could you explain what does it mean?

- Does Christian faith deny boozing (heavy drinking) and adultery (cheating)?

- Would you please tell me what is prohibited in christianity? - Is it required that a Christian is, for example, decent?

- How do you call (speak to) God in Christian faith?

- I would like to know more about Christianity but only real Christianity and not any distorted thoughts or dogmas.

- What do you mean by saying "Heavenly Father"?  



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